Offshore Development Centre (ODC)

Providing you with unmatched talent 

Offering you exceptional offshore development services located in the thriving region of Gujarat, India. 

We specialize in curating highly capable teams within the domains of software engineering, cloud data and IT systems. Our teams are assembled with scalability in mind, saving you valuable resources otherwise spent on hiring and onboarding. Embrace the freedom of choice in managing your projects, as our dedicated teams seamlessly integrate with your operations to offer you the level of involvement you desire. At Solvex, we prioritize quality, ensuring our engineers undergo a rigorous selection process, resulting in a cadre of highly skilled professionals with exemplary communication skills. They seamlessly assimilate as an extension of your existing teams, amplifying your collective potential. 

What we can offer

  • Project management: A comprehensive approach to project oversight, ensuring on-time and within-budget delivery. 
  • Quality assurance: Stringent quality checks to guarantee your project meets the highest standards. 
  • Comprehensive documentation: Detailed and thorough project documentation for your reference and future needs. 
  • Dedicated support: Continuous post-project support to ensure a seamless transition and ongoing success. 
  • Build, operate and transfer: We offer a range of choices as to what team we can assemble, whether that be one that we operate, you operate, a mixture of both or a build operate and transfer team. See the benefits of such a team in our blog post. 

Why partner with Solvex for your offshore development services

  • Cost-efficiency: Trim down your development costs significantly by entrusting your projects to our adept development team in Gujarat. 
  • Accelerated development: Benefit from our agile teams of experienced developers who accelerate project timelines, delivering within budget and on schedule. 
  • Access to top talent: Tap into Gujarat’s rich software development talent pool and find the ideal developers tailored to your unique project requirements. 
  • Peace of mind: Rest easy knowing your development needs are expertly handled by a team of seasoned professionals, giving you peace of mind. 
  • Scalability and flexibility: Adapt swiftly to changing project needs with our easily scalable teams and flexible engagement models. 
  • Comprehensive solutions: Tailored ODC solutions designed to meet your precise project specifications. 

Why partner with Solvex for your offshore development services

  • Cost-efficiency: Trim down your development costs significantly by entrusting your projects to our adept development team in Gujarat. 
  • Accelerated development: Benefit from our agile teams of experienced developers who accelerate project timelines, delivering within budget and on schedule. 
  • Access to top talent: Tap into Gujarat’s rich software development talent pool and find the ideal developers tailored to your unique project requirements. 
  • Peace of mind: Rest easy knowing your development needs are expertly handled by a team of seasoned professionals, giving you peace of mind. 
  • Scalability and flexibility: Adapt swiftly to changing project needs with our easily scalable teams and flexible engagement models. 
  • Comprehensive solutions: Tailored ODC solutions designed to meet your precise project specifications. 

The appeal of Gujarat for your offshore development centre

Gujarat stands as a prominent hub for software development, boasting a vast pool of skilled and seasoned developers. Not only does it provide access to top-tier talent, but it also offers a lower cost of living compared to many other Indian regions, resulting in cost-effectiveness for your development projects. Additionally, the minimal time difference facilitates efficient collaboration with your offshore development center team, further enhancing project outcomes. Read more about the benefits of working in this region here in our blog post. 

Ready to take the next step?

Begin your journey to creating success for your business through using our Offshore Development Centre services now. Reach out to us at, or alternatively fill out our online form and we will get back to you with a competitive quote. Together, we can forge a bespoke solution to enhance the quality and success of your project. We look forward to hearing from you.